Saturday, July 29, 2006

For nearly three weeks, war has raged in northern Israel — a war begun by Hezbollah terrorists committed to the destruction of Israel, the Jewish people and democracy.
Immediately after the first rocket was fired into Israel, Fellowship staff began responding. Taking calls from mayors in distress because they didn’t have the resources to help people in their cities. . . . Locating food, bedding, flak jackets, water, and other basics for survival for municipal workers and families now living in bomb shelters. . . . Delivering the supplies and a message that Israel is not forgotten by the world because Christians and Jews in America care and are responding with outstretched hands.
Understandably, our staff are weary. They have literally had to run for their lives when the sirens sounded, and have worked around the clock to make sure Israelis in the north have at least the minimum for survival. This is on top of working constantly in a country where a suicide bomber is a very real possibility on any street corner or city bus or in any store or restaurant.
Will you send a message of encouragement — and appreciation — to Fellowship staff in Israel? We have prepared a special electronic card that we will make sure is delivered to them. But we want your name on it! Please add your name and email address to our note of encouragement to the Israeli people. We'll make sure our staff in Israel — including Rabbi Eckstein who is there right now — know of your prayers, your love and your gratitude.
"Sign" the card today!
The struggle in Israel is very real and very exhausting — but all of us at The Fellowship are committed to seeing it through and keeping Israel a strong and safe homeland for the Jewish people. Please stand with our colleagues in their time of need.
Thank you!Fellowship Chicago Staff

Friday, July 28, 2006


Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

NoOne Has a Problem Spending It

And Remember:

'Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them,
but you know they are there!

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Lord took my new friend-
I was talking to him at 9:00 on Friday night,
he seemed fine.
He was going across the street to have a few beers,
came home,
used the restroom,
and died!
I just met him a couple of weeks ago,
he seemed like a really cool person.
Always smiling, always cracking jokes!
I thought he would make a good friend!
His name was DAVID
He was only 37----
his birthday is next week,
sooooo young!
He leaves behind a wife,
step-daughter of 15,
and a son of 11.
He will be Missed!!!
I hope he has gone to a better place!

Extend your hand, dear God,
to an approaching disciple.
You will know him (as you do already),
a servant of truth and mankind.
This comrade of mine,
always a candidate for your affection,
entered the reality of death and
separation from us without misgiving,
without illusion, heart full of love,
patiently to await a joyous reunion
with his eternal mate. To you, dear God,
I humbly commend him,
this friend of hope and understanding.
He needs no words of welcome,
a simple embrace will suffice
to reconcile and forgive,
to envelope him within
Christ's great atonement and
create the wholeness made real
only through it and his mortality.
One fine day, on a high hill or its
heavenly equivalent, may I embrace him,
expressing gratitude to thee and
to him for his life's enrichment of mine.